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Dos Picos Park and Ramona Grasslands (Ramona)

February 9, 2017












Another perfect birding day.  The ride up was unbelievable with the vegetation on the hills and in the valleys being as green as could be from the recent rains.  The pond at the first stop at Dos Picos Park had several duck species as expected for winter.  While there, a Red-shouldered hawk flew in right in front of us for a great photo op. 


At the second stop we had several minutes to observe the Ferruginous hawk while flying overhead—a bird that only visits the grasslands in winter. 


Then onto the third stop along Rangeland Road.  There we listened to the beautiful voice of a Western meadowlark that was sitting stop the fence while the powder- blue Mountain bluebirds flew about. 


Further up the road were Canada geese in a flock we estimated to be over 500.  A few white Snow geese were in the mix. 


Birding ended with lunch at the Boll Weevil-home of the half-pound Steerburger.  The restaurant had that western-home-town feel, a good fit for our day in Ramona.

Birds Identified--39 Species

Acorn Woodpecker

Nuttall’s woodpecker



White-breasted nuthatch

Oak titmouse

Red-shouldered hawk

California scrub- jay

Western bluebird

Yellow-rumped warbler

Turkey vulture

Ruby-crowned kinglet


American coot

Loggerhead shrike

Ferruginous hawk

Red-tailed hawk

American kestrel

Western meadowlark

Cinnamon teal


Canada goose

Snow goose

Great egret

Mountain bluebird

Anna’s hummingbird

American wigeon

Double-crested cormorant

Black phoebe

Says’ phoebe

European starling

Great blue heron

Ring-necked duck


Pied- billed grebe

Northern shoveler

Cassin’s kingbird

House finch


Rock Wren

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